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ARRL - The American Radio Relay League

The ARRL is the national organization for Ham Radio. Click on What is Ham Radio for extensive information about getting your license and Ham Radio in general.

The Technician Class FCC License

Welcome to the fabulous hobby of Ham Radio! You may think it is difficult to get into this hobby, but it's easier than ever. Knowledge of Morse code is no longer required for any amateur license. Operating privileges for operators with Technician Class Licenses cover the VHF and UHF bands with all operating modes.

All you have to do to get your Technician License is pass a 35 question multiple choice test. What's more, all of the questions and answers that will be on your test are publically available. An excellent study guide entitled "The ARRL Ham Radio License Manual", containing all of the questions used on the exam can be purchased from the ARRL.

There are also a number of online sites that allow you to take practice exams, e.g., QRZ.com or eHam.net which are a very good way to build confidence and get ready to pass the test.